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The E-Series - 26.09.21

External perspective: The "back-to-back meetings" lifestyle often prevents us from looking outside, from thinking differently and finding new, better way to innovate and do things. Doing the same thing over and over again is not going to help, and playing by the traditional set of rules might not cut it anymore. I recently came across the story of this Italian Tour de France cyclist named Michael Guerra, who found a way to break the linear thinking and try something different, playing by a different set of rules leveraging aerodynamics (the superman position) on the downhill, and create competitive advantage. Check the video below. I would then encourage you to reflect on: What is your "superman strategy" equivalent, for doing your craft....but different, better? Where could you find inspiration from? (There is also a great Forbes article on the topic of Lateral Thinking). Here is the link.

Emotional state: With any type of change programme, it's not always easy to get individuals and teams discussing their feeling and emotions. A very useful tool to help do just that is the "Blob Tree" (see below). It can be very helpful to open the hardest heart, and be able to initiate meaningful communication in all cultures and contexts. It can be used individually or in teams. It's also used in systemic coaching as a way to understand the "systems" one operates. Go ahead...have a go...where are you at the moment? Where would you like to be? What can you do to get there? Click here for more on Blob Trees and a few suggestions on how to leverage them.

Enabling quote: The diminutive chains of habit are seldom heavy enough to be felt, till they are too strong to be broken - Samuel Johnson. What is the one behavior, the one habit you want to be different? What are you doing about it?

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