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The E-Series - 29.11.21

Empowering questions: Seth Godin advocates that the traditional school system is broken. Kids should learn to solve interesting problems and to ask great questions. I have always been fascinated by the power of great questions. They can be eye-opening but also soul-opening. Great questions are open-ended, they raise awareness, open up possibilities, and they evoke reflection. Particularly around people, teams and change. Here are 10 personal/leadership questions for you to reflect on:

  • What has your intuition been telling you that you might be ignoring?

  • What is currently your biggest worry? Imagine it wasn't your worry, but that of yours best friend. What advice would you give him/her?

  • What would you do right away if you weren't afraid of making mistakes?

  • Identify one aspect of your life you wish was different. Now, can you come up with at least one reason why you are grateful for that same aspect?

  • If you could direct a movie based on your life, what would be the plot in one sentence? Who would play you and why this person in particular?

  • What are the two most beautiful thoughts you can possibly have right now?

  • What would you do with your time if you couldn't enter your home from 8am-7pm, didn't have to work, and your children were being taken care of?

  • Do you think you need to achieve something in order to be worth something? Why is that?

  • How could you be kinder to yourself?

  • If you were to give a speech in front of 200,000 people, what topic would you choose to speak about?

I hope you found a few that surprised you and made you think. I would love to hear your great questions. Please share away.

Extreme focus: Another area I have been working on is how to increase my focus, and do it on what matters most to me. I am as guilty as everybody else on the dopamine boost caused by checking emails, browsing the latest friend's updates on WhatsApp, checking LinkedIn, and all other sources of distraction that technology has on offer. Focus requires discipline, practice and saying a few more NOs. I recently re-watched this great documentary, Man On Wire, that tells the tale of tightrope walker Philippe Petit's daring, but illegal, high-wire routine performed between New York City's World Trade Center's twin towers in 1974. For me, a good example of determination and focus, not only on his goals, but on when he is in 'flow'. Another interesting example of extreme focus I came across, was this incredible guy called Luke Aikins, who jumped off a plane without a parachute, which required absolutely total focus - check it out!! And finally, if you want to go further, there is a great book on the topic: Indistractable. I would love to hear tips and ideas on how to increase FOCUS.

Enduring quote: "“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb. What has been on your wish list waiting for the "right moment", that you might want to give it a go? The amazing book "Tuesdays with Morrie" is completing 20 years. This little gem has many stories related to this Chinese Proverb. Oprah has also done an interview with Mitch Albom that is worth watching.

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